Our Story

Brett&MomOn June 24th, 2010 my life changed forever. My mom, Anne Gerard was told she had a terminal cancer called mesothelioma.

MESOTHELIOMA – Do you know what it is?

It is an Asbestos related cancer that for now has no cure. Asbestos is in our schools, our homes and even in our hospitals!

We were told that in Canada there are no solutions, so my sister searched all over the world and eventually found hope in the International Mesothelioma Program in Boston. This started a six month journey back and forth across North America in search of a cure.

The inoperable tumor (according to doctors here!) was removed and we returned to Canada clinging to our miracle. Anne Gerard almost beat her disease but unfortunately this type of cancer usually wins.

Christmas day 2010 was my mom`s final day. She died in my arms and I am forever grateful to the men and woman of Victoria Hospice who cared for her, and me, with a level of compassion that went beyond professional.

As a gesture of thanks, and as a tribute to my mom, World Cup Soccer will annually raise funds to support Victoria Hospice and create a fund to provide financial support for Vancouver Island families battling mesothelioma.

Thank you for all your support!